Lorand Akos
- "The logical exorcist who suffers from a chronic disease."
- 39
- 5'10"
- Dirty blonde hair
- Hazel eyes
- Native to a country northeast of setting, called Sandor.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome: is constantly tired, which is not assuaged by sleep. Results: fatigued, irritable/anxious, unfocused, clumsy, headaches, chest pains, tendency to sickness, light sensitivity, decreased appetite, and others.
- Has been afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome for about two years now, presumably from a traumatic event which he refuses to discuss. Since then, has been travelling trying to find a cure, either magical or otherwise, without success.
- Believes himself to be a genuine exorcist, but in fact is not dealing with demons. His methods still work for getting rid of them, though.
- Charges very little for his work since he sees it as his spiritual duty, but often recieves gifts of food, etc. as a thank-you from grateful customers.
- Sold most of his belongings after Traumatic Event; he basically lives with what he can carry around. He owns maybe three changes of clothes and is not always the most pleasant-smelling of people, as he is generally too listless to do laundry. He does, however, make sure to always have one clean change of clothes which he puts on before entering a town.
- His exorcisms tend to involve mostly household items, which he carries around in small quantities in case the household he's visiting doesn't have them. The few things required which aren't commonly found: (TO BE ADDED)
- [fe] 2 [me] 4 [fp] 8 [mp] 5
Sexuality/relationship numeric system taken from this blog post; used with permission.