
Ren (short for Renita)
  • "The unhealthy, apathetic, odd grave robber from a small family."
  • 17 years old
  • Thin and pale from general weakness throughout her life and an illness begun in Thera, poverty, and not enough to eat
  • Long, dark hair neatly braided
  • Plain face and a small stature
  • Clear, expressive gray eyes
  • Speaks quickly and excitedly, though quietly
  • Very lazy and indecisive much of the time; it is hard to stir her to passion but when it happens it becomes rather intense
  • Left family at age 11, believing they would be better able to support themselves without her and that she was unwelcome; however, she remains loyal to them
  • Robs graves as a business: she takes what she needs and can sell, such as jewelry and other fine mourning gifts. She is able to pay for a cheap coach class spot in the caravan.
  • Highly respects the dead and is knowledgeable about many different funeral, burial, and death traditions
  • Enjoys spending time comforting the dying and believes the dead are willing to part with an offering if the taker needs it more than they

  • "The nimble, wily, outgoing circuit priestess who secretly worships forbidden gods."
  • 35 years old
  • Of average height, but looks taller due to good posture and an authoritative bearing
  • Thick black hair coiled neatly at the base of her neck
  • Light, smooth step
  • Wears a thigh-length veil that shields her eyes (she can see out but others cannot see in) from the evil that may enter them and taint her soul, and also marks her as a second tier circuit priestess
  • Wealthy enough from salary as circuit priestess to afford her own car
  • Note about circuit priestesses: they must be provided with a salary to cover their transportation, food, and other expenses. They may also accept gifts from the faithful. The higher the rank a priestess holds, the more she is given for her expenses since beginning priestesses are expected to live humbly to learn humility and frugality, ensuring greater virtue as they gain in rank.